THAT the Regional Board receives the report from the Director of Community Services, dated April 14, 2022, with respect to RDCO File: Z21/06 for the property located on Alpine Road and legally described as Lot 146 District Lot 2922 Osoyoos Division Yale District Plan 20608 Except Plan EPP94860 (“the Subject Property”);
AND THAT LUC Termination Bylaw No. 249-01 for the Subject Property be given first reading;
AND THAT OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 1274-11 for the Subject Property be given first reading;
AND THAT Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 871-271 for the Subject Property be given first reading’
AND THAT the Regional Board schedule a Public Hearing on May 30, 2022, for LUC Termination Bylaw No. 249-01, OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 1274-11, and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 871-271, RDCO File No. Z21/06;
AND FURTHER THAT the Regional Board direct staff to accept no further development applications related to the Subject Property pending completion of the proposed bylaw amendments.